Tuesday, April 26

FABULA Part 1:Brand Story

Have you heard of FABULA

This is  a brand set up by celebrity Lynn Lim and her husband, aimed to share her beauty secret with everyone in the world! Click HERE for her facebook page.

Under Fabula, CollagenMAX exudes this philosophy: Life is pure, beauty is simple. As we know, collagen functions as the major ingredient for skin elasticity, so no doubt that by regular drinking it, it could revive the beauty and youth of every single women!

Waiting for more info about this products eagerly? Haha, I shall let you waiting first and keep looking up my updates, I will update the upcoming part 2 soon! At the meantime,  Click HERE for more info.

Opps, I forget to mention that you could grab yourself this on their website with free delivery!

Enjoy your CollagenMax ya~~~


  1. I try it before, awesome products

  2. Man can drink it?

  3. Does any one heard about Origen Plus ? Kinohimitsu ?Don't know how is the effect ? Same with PROCENTA? If any one has try before, please let me know. Thank you.

  4. What's the difference between Kinohitmitsu and this?

  5. Hey there

    I will leave the other commenters to comment.. since I haven't tried Origen Plus yet:p

  6. Thanks for the reply!
